In addition to the experts listed here, please note that there are hundreds of BEVI Authorized Administrators around the world who may be able to serve as consultants or join your own BEVI team.
Dr. Kris Acheson-Clair, Training and Analysis Consultant
Kris is Associate Director of Intercultural Pedagogy & Scholarship at Purdue University. Raised in a military family with early exposure to world languages and cultures, Kris is a former faculty member in Applied Linguistics (Georgia State University, 2010-2016). She earned an Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Intercultural Communication at Arizona State University in 2008, after which her professional passion became mentoring students and colleagues towards greater intercultural competence (and training others to mentor). In 2015 she served as a US Fulbright Scholar to Zamorano University in Honduras, and she is an award-winning instructor, international education curriculum designer, and researcher. To the BEVI team, she brings over a decade of experience in needs analysis, developmental interventions, and learning outcomes assessment at every level from individual to institutional, as well as 20 years as a classroom teacher, researcher, and professional development trainer.
Dr. Hajime Nishitani, Director of Japanese Operations
Hajime is Professor of Law specializing in international and organizational law at Hiroshima University, where he also serves as Vice Executive for the Top Global University Project. As a past Vice President at Hiroshima, Hajime worked with Craig Shealy and other internationally renowned experts on the assessment of international education in Japan across a range of institutions and systems. Among other areas of research interest, he is currently exploring mediators and moderators of English language acquisition and the relative impact of short and long-term study abroad programs in Japan. Hajime is the primary contact for Japanese institutions, organizations, and researchers interested in using and/or becoming trained on the BEVI.
Dr. Craig Shealy, BEVI Developer and IBAVI Executive Director
Craig is Professor of Psychology and Executive Director of the International Beliefs and Values Institute at Western Washington University, USA. A licensed clinical psychologist, Craig is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and past president of APA’s Division of International Psychology. As Executive Director of the non-profit International Beliefs and Values Institute (IBAVI), he coordinates a range of scholarly, educational, and service projects with individuals around the world, including the annual Summit on Cultivating the Globally Sustainable Self – a multi-institution project hosted by James Madison University that will be featured in a forthcoming book he is editing for Oxford University Press. He has worked to develop and continually enhance the BEVI for the past 25 years.
Dr. Lee Sternberger, Operations and Strategic Planning
Lee is Associate Provost in Academic Affairs and Executive Director of the Center for Global Engagement (CGE) at James Madison University. In these roles, Lee leads a campus-wide effort to internationalize university curricula, services and programs, and coordinates global and international activities across JMU’s seven colleges. She is responsible for administering CGE programs, including study and service abroad, international student and scholar support, and immigration services. Lee’s organizational leadership experience is illustrated by her recent service as president of the International Network of Universities for two three-year terms, and examples of her expertise in institutional assessment include her development of JMU’s accreditation Quality Enhancement Plan focusing on the quality of student learning and her advocacy for the assessment of international education.
Dr. Jennifer Wiley, Director of Strategic Initiatives
Jennifer is the CEO of CoreCollaborative International, a consulting firm that partners with organizations to provide expertise in research and evaluation, intercultural training, strategic planning, and curriculum development. She has led interdisciplinary teams of researchers in an array of cultural contexts to answer questions about how learning occurs and for whom. Jennifer has collaborated in the US and abroad to provide organizations the insight they need to overcome challenges, identify what they value and why, and how to approach goals sustainably. She brings her experiences in organizational needs assessment, program design, and strategic planning to the BEVI team.